What Is The Internet?
Most people don’t have any idea where the internet came from, and it doesn’t matter, but it had to start somewhere. In the 1970s Vint Cerf & Bob Kahn began to design what we now know as the internet. Like many great inventions in human history, it was adapted from a technology with roots in the Military Defense industry known as ARPANET, the original purpose of the program was to enable communication across the country in the event of a Nuclear Attack, and it worked!
Video Learning:
- YouTube: What is the Internet?
- YouTube: The Internet: Wires, Cables, & Wifi
- YouTube: Andrew Blum: What is the Internet, really?
- YouTube: Learn Keyboard Typing
- YouTube: Basic Computer Skills
- YouTube: How to Save a Document
- YouTube: Saving Files and Creating File Folders
- YouTube: What is GIT?